Annual Return Filing of One Person Company

What are the Compliance and Annual Filing Requirements of One Person Company?

One Person Company (OPC) is a popular form of business structure in India, introduced by the Companies Act, 2013. It allows a single…
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Guidelines for NBFC takeover

NBFC Takeover: Know the Pros and Cons, Procedure and RBI Guidelines

NBFC Takeover means acquisition of shares, merger or amalgamation of one NBFC by another NBFC. The takeover brings market expansions, diversifies business activities…
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Refusal of Trademark registration

Grounds for the Refusal of the Trademark Registration

Trademarks are the base of a company’s brand. It carries a feature of silent marketing of the business and its products. It helps…
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One Person Company Registration in Sikar

One Person Company Registration in Sikar: A Guide to Starting Your Business Alone

Starting a business is never an easy task, especially if you are doing it alone. However, with the introduction of One Person Company…
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